
Hi readers!  This being my very first post, i am giving the title “Living” as i am living by this day perfectly good πŸ˜€
I hope that everyone will be good out here. Looking forward to know you all πŸ™‚

Well, i don’t specifically have anything in my mind right now to share about…  But since I’m typing this i am thinking to share a picture with you all. I made a heart with my hair and let my sister take a photo of it forcefully πŸ˜€


I was thinking why don’t i take some pictures and make memories when my hair is long, because i will be chopping off my hair and i know i will never be able to take a picture like this once my hair is gone.
I am really gonna miss my hair once its chopped down. Sigh!


That’s all for now, Thank you. Hope the readers like my post. Love you all πŸ™‚

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